Regulations and Reporting

Regulations and Reporting
Pipeline Integrity

Regulation and Reporting Services include – Audit Support, Governing Board Liaison Representation, Environmental and Public Perception and Staying Abreast of Changes and Notifications.

The energy sector has many influences that affect how oil and gas producers, or pipeline operators, manage the integrity of their infrastructure. These influences can be political (governing boards, environmental) or public (perception, environmental). Rysco Integrity Services keeps their clients up to date on changes to any rules or regulations.

An audit is one of the methods used by governing boards in many jurisdictions to evaluate the effectiveness of the CMP. Audits provide an unbiased and independent review of the performance of the CMP and help to identify opportunities for improvement.

Manual 013, within the province of Alberta, is the working document that the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) uses as a fair, credible, effective and efficient information approach that balances three compliance components: Education, Prevention, and Enforcement. This approach is very adaptable to changing priorities and trends. The BCOGC (British Columbia Oil and Gas Commission) within the province of British Columbia operates on a very similar principal. Other jurisdictions use similar approaches.

In Canada, the National Energy Board (NEB) governs all pipelines that cross Provincial and International borders. The NEB operates off the same risk-based principle and makes sure that pipeline operators meet the Onshore Pipeline Regulations and Standards set by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA). The NEB can also conduct audits, so it is important to have all compliance documents organized and available to prepare an effective audit response.


Are you familiar with the regulations and the governing boards that we have to deal with?

  Yes, we deal with the governing boards regularly and can converse with them on your behalf.

What happens if I have a pipeline breach?

As your integrity representative we be there to help and notify the applicable boards and submit the appropriate documentation.

Do you help with audits?

Yes, as your integrity representative, we work with you and as a liaison to the governing boards.